A Study Of Qur'an
A Study of Qur'an
7. The prophets and their revelations
7. The prophets and their revelations
7. The prophets and their revelations
Four verses from the Qur’an
1. Introduction
2. Knowledge of Arabic and its importance
3. Basic rules to be followed in the study of the Qur’an
3.1 Verses which are clear and not subject to interpretation
3.2 Verses which are allegorical
4. Explanation of the Qur’an by the Qur’an
5. Understanding the first sura: Al-Fatiha, the key to the Qur’an
6. Basic teachings of the Qur’an
7. The prophets and their revelations
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Adam
7.3 Prophets named in the Qur’an
7.4. Noah
7.5 Abraham
7.6 Moses
7.7 Jesus
7.8 Muhammad
8. Topics apparently controversial
8.1 Punishment for stealing
8.2 Adultery
8.3 Does the Qur’an sanction the beating of women?
8.4 Women’s rights
8.5 Divorce and reconciliation procedure
8.6 Polygamy in Islam
8.7 The Veil (Hijab)
8.8 Jihad
8.9 Intoxicating liquors
8.10 Gambling
8.11 Interest
8.12 Intercession
8.13 The ‘moon sighting’ controversy
9. Latter-day saints (Pirs)
10. The implications of Hadith for Islam
10.1 The meaning of Hadith and Sunnah
10.2 Historical background of Hadiths
10.3. Ways the Hadith contradicts the Qur’an
10.4 Usefulness of Hadith literature
11. The five pillars
11.1 Declaration of Faith/Belief
11.2 Salat (Prayer)
11.3 Zakat
11.4 Fasting
11.5 Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)
12. Economic system of the Qur’an
13. Law-making in Islam
13.1 Introduction
13.2 The development of jurisprudence (ahle-fiqh)
13.3 Influence of the Hadiths as a source of law (ahle- hadith)
13.4 The legal system of the Shi’ites
13.5 The Qur’an as a source of law
13.6 Application of Shariat laws in modern times
14. The Qur’an and Science
15. The purpose of mankind
15.1 At the individual level: nafs
15.2 At the collective level: unfus
15.3 The external world: af’aque
15.4 Return to Allah
16 The Islamic State
17. Islam and human rights
18. Jewish scriptures and the Bible
19. Human evolution
20. Conclusion
Book reviews
Moon sighting and other discussions