

  1. The Meaning of the Glorious Qur’an, by Marmaduke Pickthall. Published by Taj Company, 3151, Turkman Gate, Delhi – 110006.
  2. The Holy Qur’an, by Yusuf Ali. Published by Dar Al Arabia, Beirut, Lebanon, P.O. Box 6089.
  3. The Message of the Qur’an, by Muhammad Asad. Published by Dar Al-Andalus, Gibralter.
  4. Exposition of the Qur’an, by Gulam Ahmed Parwez. Tolu-E-Islam Trust (Regd) 25B Gulberg, Lahore-11, Pakistan.
  5. The True Translation of the Glorious Qur’an, by Late Ali Ahmad Khan Jullundri. Published by World Islamic Mission, 18-K Gulberg 2, Lahore, Pakistan.
  6. The Holy Qur’an by Maulana Muhammad Ali. Published in USA by Specialty Promotions Co. Inc. Chicago, Illinois.
  7. Sahih Al-Bukhari – Volumes 1 to 9, Translated by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan. Published by Kitab Bhaban, New Delhi, India.
  8. Sahih Muslim, Translated by Abdul Hamid Siddiqi. Volume 1. Muhammad Ashraf Publishers and Booksellers, 7 Aibak Road (New Anarkali) Lahore – 7 (Pakistan).
  9. Educational Philosophy of the Holy Qur’an, by Dr. Mahar Abdul Haq. Published by Naushaba Publications, D.D.A. Flats, New Ranjit Nagar, New Delhi – 110008.
  10. Development of Muslim Theology Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory by Duncan B. Macdonald. Published by Premier Book House, 4/5 Katchery Road, Lahore, Pakistan.
  11. The Principles of Law-making in Islam, by G.A. Parwez. Meezan Publications: 27-B Shahalam Market, Lahore, Pakistan.
    11.1 Modernisation of legal System in Muslim Countries. Summary of an introductory address included in ref: no. 9.,by Dr. Sobhi Mahmassani.
  12. Qur’anic System of Law, by Allama Enayatullah Mashriqi. Akhuwat Publications, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
  13. Quranocracy, by Dr S.A. Wadud. Khalid Publishers P.O. Box 4109, Lahore – 54600, Pakistan.
  14. Conspiracies against the Qur’an, by Dr. S.A. Wadud. Khalid Publishers, P.O. Box 4190, Lahore – 54600, Pakistan.
  15. God, Man and the Universe, by Inayat Ullah Khan El-Mashriqi. Akhuwat Publications, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
  16. Man’s Destiny (Tazkira), by Allama Inayat Ullah Khan Al-Mashriqi. Translated and   edited from Urdu by Shabbir Hussain. Publisher: Mujahid Publications, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
  17. Freedom for Qur’an by Ahmad Nawaz and published by Ahmad Nawaz. Mr. Nawaz has dedicated his book for the service of mankind and as such  there is no copyright restriction.
  18. Zakah by Abdul Rehman Ansari. Published by IPCI, 481 Coventry Road, Small Heath, Birmingham B10 0JS.
  19. The Place of Hadith in Islam – The Muslims Students Association of the USA and Canada. July 11-13, 1975.
  20. The Bible the Qur’an and Science, by Dr. Maurice Bucaille. Publisher Seghers, 6 Place Saint-Sulpice 75006 Paris.
  21. What is the Origin of Man? by Dr. Maurice Bucaille. Publisher Seghers, 6 Place Saint-Sulpice 75006 Paris.
  22. The Religion of Islam, by Maulana Muhammad Ali M.A., LL.B. Published by National Publication and Printing House U.A.R.
  23. Ulum Al-Qurán, by Ahmad von Denffer. The Islamic Foundation, 223 London Road, Leicester LE2 1ZE, U.K.
  24. Women in Islam, by B. Aisha Lemu and Fatima Heeren. Published by The Islamic foundation, 223 London Road, Leicester LE2 1ZE.
  25. The Qur’an: Basic Teachings, by T.B. Irving, K. Ahmad and M.M. Ahsan. Published by The Islamic Foundation, 223 London Road, Leicester LE2 1ZE.
  26. Islam and Human Rights, by Muhammad Zafrulla Khan. Published by The London Mosque, 63 Melrose Road, London SW18.
  27. A Short History of the Saracens, by Syed Amir Ali. Published by Kitab Bhaban, New Delhi – 110002.
  28. A Restoration of Faith, by M.A. Malek. Published by M. A. Malek.
  29. The Islamic Tradition of “Moon Sighting” and its Implications.Published by M.A. Malek
  30. A Modern Guide to Astronomical Calculations of Islamic Calendar,Times & Qibla, by Dr. Mohammad Ilyas. Berita Publishing Sdn, Bhd. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  31. Tafseer Al-Qur’an Bil Qur’an (Explanation of the Qur’an by the Qur’an): Lecture by Syed Mustafa Ali.
  32. Islamic State — First Principles: Lecture by Syed Mustafa Ali.
  33. Ramadan — Training with an Objective: Lecture by Syed Mustafa Ali.
  34. Ramadan — A Time for Change: Lecture by David Stokes.
  35. Implications of Ahadith for Islam: Lecture by Mohammed Abdul Malek
  36. A Simplified Approach to the Study of the Qurán: Lecture by M. A. Malek.
  37. The Qur’anic Punishment for Theft, by Saiyed Shahid Ali, London. Article published in Al-Balaagh Vol 21. No.3.
  38. Does the Qur’an Sanction the Hitting of Women? by Rachael Tibbett.
  39. Question Time by Haji Ibrahim Golightly. Published in “The Message”, July – Sept. 1995 issue, by the United Muslim Association (U.K), 31 Crawley Road, London N22  6AG.
    Ibrahim Golightly died in Bosnia when he was carrying  food for relief, in the darkness of the night, and the van overturned  killing both him and his collegue.
  40. Letter to Al-Balaagh, Nov/Dec 1996 issue. P.O. Box 1925, Lensia1820, South Africa. By Dr. Sayed Abdul Wadud. (Lahore, Pakistan).
  41. Letter to Al-Balaagh, Nov/Dec 1996 issue. P.O. Box 1925, Lensia1820, South Africa. By Basheer Ahmed Vania. (Lensia, South Africa).
  42. Islam: Taking root in Europe by Sahib Mustaqim Bleher. Published by “Islamic Party of Britain” in their official Party News report, “Common Sense” dated Last Quarter 1992. Issue number 8.
  43. A pamphlet on: The Islamic View on the Prohibition of Alcohol, by S.M. Bleher. Published by UK Islamic Mission Dawah Centre, 401-403 Alum Rock Road. Birmingham B8 3DT.
  44. The Guardian: (i) News item on front page dated 7.3.87.
    (ii) Passages from the article “Impossible debt on road to global ruin”  by F. Clairmonte and J. Cavanagh, dated 9.1.87
  45. A New Arabic Grammar, by J.A. Haywood and H.M. Nahmud. Publisher Lund Humphries, London.
  46. Arabic-English Lexicon, (8 parts), by Edward William Lane. Published by Islamic Book Centre, 25-B, Masson Road, P.O. Box 1625. Lahore-3, Pakistan.
  47. Arabic-English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. Edited by J. M. Cowan. Published by Spoken Language Services, Inc. P.O. Box 783. Ithaca, New York.
  48. Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadith Databases, by The Islamic Computing Centre. 73, St. Thomas’s Road, London N4 2QJ.
  49. The Alim, The ISL Software Corporation. P.O. Box 90005 Houston, Texas.
  50. The Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version.1952.
  51. The Lost Gospel (The Book of Q and Christian Origins), by Burton L. Mack. Published in Great Britain by Elements Book Ltd.
  52. Conspiracy in Jerusalem (The hidden origins of Jesus), by Kamal Salibi. Publishers I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd. London.
  53. The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, by M. Baigent, R. Leigh & H. Lincoln. Published by Corgi Books.
  54. The History of Christianity, A Lion Handbook. Published by Lion Publishing, 121 High Street, Berkhamsted, Herts, England.
  55. The Lives of Jesus, A BBC television series presented at the end of 1996 by Mark Tully.
  56. Making the Christian Bible by John Barton. Published by Darton, Longman and Todd, Ltd. 1. Spencer Court, 140-142 Wandsworth High Street, London SW18 4JJ